The Heartfelt Way
Whether you have arrived for therapy sessions, a workshop, a birthday party, or just a visit, at Heartfelt Farm you will find a place of solace, safety, connection and joy. We celebrate every child as a sacred and precious whole person with unique needs and ways of expressing themselves. We believe that all beings of all kinds deserve to be seen, heard, feel safe and to know the “felt sense” of feeling settled and secure.
We are committed to provide a place of for personal growth, mental health support and healing for children and animals. We foster nurturing connections with all the creatures and beings with which we share this land. We believe that it is within this relational field we can create new neural connections, which are proven to support flexibility, resiliency, hope and foster well-being.
Where it all began...
"Heartfelt Farm began as a seed which was planted in the soil of my childhood, and came to bud in 2018 when we found our way to our current property and sacred place we call home. I learned at a young age the physical and mental health benefits of sharing in the company of animals and learning from the land. I came to understand that creativity was a way of expressing what words could not, and I never forgot how it felt to be a child in a sometimes overwhelming and confusing world. The animals and the land they lived on became a trusted ally and caregiver, nourishing my soul and dreams to share their healing properties. Each day, this vision continues to grow and blossom in ever beautiful ways.
The journey to a private practice that encompassed Art Therapy, Expressive Play Therapy, Equine Facilitated Wellness, and Animal Assisted Therapies (goats, dogs and even chickens!) has been a winding one. Along the way I crossed over many hills and valleys, the experience of which deeply informs my practice today. It is an honor to be able to share this place and all that it offers with our community."
Our Values
❤ To provide a place of safety and solace for children and our animal relations
❤ To nurture connection, listen deeply and lead heart-forward
❤ To extend this connection to the larger community with compassion
❤ To encourage children to move about with curiosity and a sense of wonder
❤ To create a sense of belonging and grow community with those both human and non-human
❤ To create a culture of caring and love of the natural world and to recognize our interdependence
❤ To trust that children are capable and wise, and may need support to help them integrate head, heart and hands
Heartfelt Offerings
Therapy Services
Heartfelt Therapy is our on-site Art & Nature Based Therapy Practice offering both groups and individual services utalizing the following modalities: Art Therapy, Expressive Play Therapy, Equine Facilitated Wellness Pro Canada, Animal Assisted Therapy, Land-Based Interventions, Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy & Complex Trauma & More
Art & Nature Wellness Events
During the spring & summer, Heartfelt offers curated pop-ups and camp experiences designed to offer your child the opportunity to learn about the natural world, explore their inner creativity, engage with animals and others in a reciprocal way, create and foster friendships, and find a sense of belonging within the Heartfelt Community.
Special Events
Hearfelt Farm offers oppurtunies for many special events, including Birthday Parties, Workshops & more. If you would like to collaborate with us or host an event, please reach out!
Handmade & Homegrown Goods
In our "shop" and on-site farmstand you will find a beautiful selection of goods from the collective of creatives & makers within our Heartfelt Community.